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Language Arts


ELA/Literacy Priority Instructional Content 

What should be the nucleus of daily literacy instruction? What bundle of college- and career- ready (CCR) standards best reflects the fundamentals of literacy research and will best accelerate learning for all students? What should students learn? The ELA/Literacy Priority Instructional Content from Achieve the Core highlights the Major Work of ELA/Literacy instruction: Learning to Read, Reading of Complex Text, and Volume of Reading to Build Knowledge. The guidance leverages the structure & emphases of the key CCR standards which are intended to find efficiencies in the curriculum that are critical during this challenging time. The guidance is also designed to support planning and decision making with a focus on equitable literacy instruction.  

2020-21 Priority Instructional Content

Additional Resources Coming Soon

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 For Professional Learning Opportunity explore the key learning areas to support equitable instruction in ELA. - Achieve the Core


Professional Learning Opportunity

First page of the PDF file: WondersPriorityStandardsK-6