EACMS Counseling

  • Welcome to the Ethan A. Chase Middle School Counseling Webpage!

    Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,

    Hello, we are your school counselors, Mrs. Godinez and Mrs. Orozco. We are so excited to be starting another school year!  We look forward to working with you to have a successful school year.           


    Ms. Godinez


    Ms. Orozco


    What is a School Counselor? 

    Professional school counselors are trained in both education and counseling, allowing them to function as a facilitator between parents, teachers, and students in matters concerning the student’s goals, abilities, and any areas needing improvement. School Counselors are professional educators with a mental health perspective who understand and respond to the challenges presented by today’s diverse student population.


    School Counselor Student Assignment​


    Maggie Godinez

    All students with last names A-K

    Amanda Orozco

    All students with last names L-Z
