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Medical Statement Forms

Nutrition Services: Special Meal Accommodations

The Nutrition Services Department is dedicated to supporting students with medical conditions that require specific nutritional and meal accommodations. To ensure proper meal planning, a completed Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations form must be signed by a licensed physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner.

If a student transfers to a new school, please notify the Food and Nutrition Services Department. To avoid delays in providing special dietary needs, be sure to complete all forms fully before submitting them. Note that requests for special meals and milk substitutions must be submitted each school year, as they do not carry over from the previous year.

Milk Substitution Requests

To request a milk substitution due to a medical condition or special dietary need, parents or guardians must complete the Parental Request for Fluid Milk Substitution form (available below). This form is intended for medical or dietary needs, not personal taste preferences (e.g., for students who prefer soy milk).

Once the form has been completed and signed, please submit it to the school cafeteria. The form can be downloaded here:

Special Meal Requests

For special meal accommodations, please submit the Special Diet Order form, signed by a medical professional, to the Nutrition Services Department:

Please note that if we do not receive a signed medical statement from a licensed medical provider, your child will receive a standard meal. Forms signed by parents or guardians are not acceptable.

Vegi Heart


"This institution is an equal opportunity provider"