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CSEA Contract/Negotiations Update

California School Employee Association Chapter 499

Joint Communication 12/19/2024

The Association and the District met on Friday, December 13, 2024 and finalized a tentative agreement regarding compensation.

The agreement calls for an increase to our classified salary schedules of 2% effective July 1, 2024. The agreement also includes an additional one time payment of $1,459.

The agreement will be going to the CSEA membership for ratification and then to the Board of Education for final approval. This will likely take place at the February 11, 2025 Board meeting.

Pending CSEA ratification and Board approval in February, the agreement will be implemented in a phased-in approach with the ongoing increase to the salary schedules being included on the February payroll. The one time payment will then be issued on the March payroll. The final component is the retroactive pay from the beginning of the school year through February and that will be seen on the April payroll.

Joint Communication 12/2/2024

The CSEA and District negotiation teams met on November 19, 2024 and finalized a tentative agreement regarding a $1,000 increase to the district's contribution to health and welfare benefits for an annual contribution of $12,500. 

The agreement will be going through the CSEA ratification process and then to the Board of Education for final approval. This will likely take place at the January 14, 2025 Board meeting. This timeline will allow the District to make adjustments to employee monthly health and welfare deductions starting with the payroll taking place at the end of January. The increased district contribution will be applied equally between the 6 payrolls that take place from January through the end of the school year.