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Complaint Procedures/Title IX

Complaint Process/Title IX Coordination


Romoland School District has the primary responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations, including those related to unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying against any protected group, and all programs and activities that are subject to the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP). Specifically, the UCP will be used to investigate and resolve complaints regarding the following programs and activities, some of which are described in detail in this document:

  1. Accommodations for pregnant and parenting students 
  2. Adult education
  3. After School Education and Safety 
  4. Agricultural career technical education 
  5. Career technical and technical education and career technical and technical training programs 
  6. Child care and development programs 
  7. Compensatory education 
  8. Consolidated categorical aid programs 
  9. Course periods without educational content
  10. Discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying against any protected group as identified under EC 200/220 and GC 11135, including any actual or perceived characteristic (PC 422.55) or based of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, in any program or activity conducted by an educational institution (EC 210.3) that is funded directly by, or that receives or benefits from, state financial assistance
  11. Educational and graduation requirements for students in foster care, students who are homeless, students from military families, and students formerly in a juvenile court school now enrolled in a school district
  12. Every Student Succeeds Act
  13. Local control and accountability plans
  14. Migrant education
  15. Physical education instructional minutes
  16. Reasonable accommodations to a lactating student
  17. Regional occupational centers and programs
  18. School plans for student achievement 
  19. School safety plans
  20. Schoolsite councils 
  21. State preschool
  22. State preschool health and safety issues in LEAs exempt from licensing
  23. Student fees
  24. Any complaint alleging retaliation against a complainant or other participant in the complaint process or anyone who has acted to uncover or report a violation subject to this policy
  25. Any other state or federal educational program the State Superintendent of Public Instruction or designee deems appropriate

The following complaints are not subject to the District’s UCP but will be investigated and resolved by the specified agency or through an alternative process:

  1. Child abuse or neglect. Referred to the County Department of Social Services, the County Protective Services Division, or the appropriate law enforcement agency.
  2. Health and safety violations by a child development program, for licensed facilities. Referred to the Department of Social Services.
  3. Title IX sexual harassment. Addressed through the federal Title IX complaint procedures specified in AR 5145.71 – Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures
  4. Employment discrimination or harassment. Investigated and resolved by the District in accordance with the procedures specified in AR 4030 – Nondiscrimination in Employment, including the right to file the complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
  5. State or federal law or regulation related to special education. A settlement agreement related to the provision of a free appropriate public education, or a due process hearing order must be submitted to the CDE in accordance with AR 6159.1 – Procedural Safeguards and Complaints for Special Education.
  6. The District’s food service program (e.g., meal counting and claiming, reimbursable meals, eligibility of children or adults, or use of cafeteria funds and allowable expenses). Filed with or referred to CDE in accordance with BP 3555 – Nutrition Program Compliance.
  7. Discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in the District’s food service program. Filed with or referred to the U.S. Department of Agriculture in accordance with BP 3555 – Nutrition Program Compliance.
  8. Sufficiency of textbooks or instructional materials, emergency or urgent facilities conditions that pose a threat to the health or safety of students or staff, or teacher vacancies and misassignments. Investigated and resolved in accordance with AR 1312.4 – Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures.




Williams Complaint

Uniform Complaint Process