California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System was established on January 1, 2014. The CAASPP System is intended to provide parents/guardians, educators, and students with accurate and actionable information about what students are learning. The Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC), which are administered as part of the CAASPP System, are computer adaptive; these assessments are aligned with California State Standards and provide information about the academic needs and successes of individual students.
- SBAC measures achievement and growth in English language arts and math in grades 3-8 and grade 11.
- SBAC is administered online in an interactive, adaptive format, which means that questions get harder or easier as students get more answers right or wrong.
- Assessments include multiple choice questions, written response (constructed response), and performance tasks to measure critical thinking and problem solving skills.
How can parents/guardians help?
- Take the online practice test to gain an understanding of what your student will be asked to do.
- View resources to support your student's learning.
CAASPP testing for Romoland School District students in grades 3-8 is conducted each May. Student score reports are available for parents/guardians electronically in Illuminate Parent Portal. Information about the SBAC and score report can be found here.
BP 6162.51: The Board strongly encourages all students at the applicable grade levels to participate in the state assessments in order to maximize the usefulness of the data and enable the district to meet participation levels required for state and federal accountability systems. The Superintendent or designee shall notify students and parents/guardians about the importance of these assessments and shall develop strategies to encourage student participation. Students shall be exempted from participation only in accordance with law and administrative regulation.