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- Romoland School District
- Foster/Homeless Students
Students Identified as Foster or McKinney-Vento
Romoland School District recognizes that its students identified as foster or McKinney-Vento may have unique family circumstances and unstable living situations. As a result, their academic success may be negatively impacted due to the disruption to their education and their emotional, social, and other health needs. Our goal is to ensure these students experience a safe, positive learning environment free from discrimination and harassment, promoting students' self-esteem and academic achievement.
The School Engagement/Foster Youth Liaison collaborates with each school site to achieve this goal by:
- removing possible barriers by providing needed supplies such as backpacks, school supplies, clothing, hygiene kits, or food.
- educating students and parents/guardians of their educational and non-educational rights.
- promoting school engagement through extracurricular activities, school events, and community events.
- ensuring accurate completion of enrollment forms, such as the McKinney-Vento questionnaire to ensure eligible students receive the appropriate resources and supports.
Mireya Chavez-Martinez
School Engagement/Foster Youth Liaison
Phone: 951-926-9244Office Hours
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
'FOSTER'Students are identified as a foster child or youth if they:
- are the subject of a juvenile dependency court petition, whether or not the child has been removed from their home.
- have an open court petition and have been removed from their home and placed into foster care, whether it is a foster home, relative home, or group home.
- are the subject of a voluntary placement agreement.
- are a dependent of the court of an Indian tribe, consortium of tribes, or tribal organization.
- are aged 18-21 in extended foster care.
More information about the definition of foster care can be found in the Foster Youth Education Toolkit. Please visit the Foster Youth Rights page to learn more about the educational and non-educational rights a student in foster care is entitled to.
'HOMELESS'A student is defined as 'homeless' if they "lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence," as outlined in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
For more information about the definition and rights of students afforded by the McKinney-Vento Act, please visit the McKinney-Vento Rights page.