State Preschool Program

  • The State Preschool Program, funded by the California Department of Education’s Child Development Division, is a preschool program for children between the ages of three and five years old from income qualifying families. As a child-centered program, State Preschool adds to a joyful childhood and is filled with inviting, developmental learning experiences.  In partnership with parents, children are prepared for success in school and community.

    Children’s growth and development are assessed twice a year using the Desired Results Developmental Profile. Teachers regularly adjust the curriculum, based on their observations of the children, to engage the children’s interest and maximize learning. Parents/guardian conferences are held twice a year at the school site. 

    Every family is invited to participate in "family time" either at drop off or pick up.  This is an excellent time to strengthen family ties through learning experiences or to put into practice some of the teaching tecniques that families pick up throughout the year from trainings or workshops.  All family time activities are pre planned by the teacher and all materials are ready for use upon family arrival.  Family time activities are brief and will last up to 15 minutes.   
